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Life in Korea/Travel

[Lusso Lab, Jung Dong Branch] Brunch Cafe

by Living in Korea 2021. 7. 9.

Today I wanna introduce you

Lusso Lab, Jung Dong Branch


I learned about that place from my friend.

And I really loved it!


First of all, 

it is wide, comfy, and not so noisy as most of the cafes.


I saw many people were using their laptops there,

So, I think it is a nice place to work or study at...


I used to work and study in the cafes by myself too,

So, if that cafe was closer to my place,

I would visit it quite often....


I think I was too hungry, so I forgot to take pics of the cafe from inside,

So I have no interior pics to share with you,

But I have food pics!

Here is a menu that I borrowed from the cafe homepage...

But I think it is an old version

I would rate that place as following....




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